Matthew’s Story

In the summer of 2018, our son Matthew began experiencing back pain, a symptom quite unusual for a 4-year-old. Concerned, we took him for a routine checkup with his pediatrician. Blood tests revealed abnormal results, prompting a referral to a hematologist. That same day, we were admitted to Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) in Houston's medical district.

After numerous tests, including a bone marrow biopsy, Matthew was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), type B. The doctors tried to reassure us, explaining that this type of leukemia had a high curability rate of 96%. Despite this, the diagnosis was devastating. We were moved to the 9th floor, the Oncology floor, and began an intense journey of treatments.

Chemotherapy started immediately. Anyone who has faced cancer knows that it doesn't wait, and pediatric cancer is no different. The first 30 days were a blur of treatments, tests, and hospital visits. But 30 days after starting treatment, we heard the word "remission." It was a beacon of hope in our dark times. However, remission didn't mean the end of our journey. Matthew needed to complete a three-year treatment cycle to ensure the cancer was truly gone.

The Challenges of Year One

The first year was the hardest. Matthew had to stay home, unable to lead a normal life due to the high risk of infection. We spent countless hours in the ER; the nurses came to know Matthew well. His unique reaction to medications made his treatment even more challenging. Despite these hurdles, we began to find a rhythm. Matthew started school, and our lives began to resemble normalcy again.

A Milestone Reached

In September 2020, Matthew received his last IV chemotherapy treatment. We celebrated the removal of his port-a-catheter and, on October 7th, he took his last oral chemotherapy dose. This day was marked by the joyous ringing of the bell at TCH, symbolizing the end of his chemotherapy journey. We celebrated with family and friends via Zoom due to COVID-19 restrictions.

A New Beginning

Our family was thriving. Matthew was enjoying life, playing sports, and preparing to become a big brother. In January 2022, we shared the news with him that he would soon have a sibling. Life felt hopeful and full of promise.

A Second Battle

In July 2022, our world was shattered again. Matthew was diagnosed with a second pediatric cancer, Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML), a rare type of blood cancer induced by his previous chemotherapy. This new diagnosis required a different treatment approach, including a new port-a-Cath and frequent hospital visits. Despite the difficulties, Matthew faced this new challenge with remarkable maturity and resilience.

A Third Diagnosis

In December 2022, during what we thought was a routine check for a common cold, Matthew was diagnosed with pneumonia and a new type of leukemia, T-Cells, this time showing a tumor in his chest. The fight became even more intense as he battled two types of cancer simultaneously. After a strict 30-day treatment protocol, the tumor shrank, and a bone marrow transplant was scheduled for February.

The Bone Marrow Transplant

The preparation for the bone marrow transplant was grueling, involving twice-daily radiation treatments. Matthew endured this with incredible strength. However, in April, we received the devastating news that the transplant had failed. Despite plans to try another transplant, Matthew’s condition worsened. His CMML mutated into Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a highly aggressive and incurable cancer.

Final Moments

Matthew's last days were spent surrounded by love and care. He fought bravely until his last breath, never giving up. His strength and resilience left an indelible mark on all who knew him.

The Creation of Miles 4 Matthew

Because of our experience, we launched Miles 4 Matthew, a nonprofit to honor our son’s legacy. Initially, we created Miles 4 Matthew to help fundraise for Matthew’s hospital bills back in 2019. The support we received was incredible, with many participating in our small events and virtual 5K runs.

Our experience made us realize the financial and emotional toll that childhood cancer takes on families. We wanted to ensure that other families in similar situations had the resources they needed to see them through their battles with cancer.

Moving Forward

We look forward to launching our organization in 2024 with our inaugural 5K Family Fun run/walk in October.

Join us in celebrating Matthew's life and supporting others by participating in our events. Together, we can make a difference.